The Little Resilience Daybox

7 resilience habits for you to print off (double-sided on A4 card) plus a separate set of instructions for their use with your teams. Designed to be used in schools, you can keep everyone remembering to apply one habit per half-term – staff and pupils.


Towards a Coaching Culture

Explore the differences between training and coaching; why developing the person who does the job brings success; and why, to achieve potential, it’s important to address what’s getting in the way (‘interference’).


Coaching: 4 videos

These four videos were made with Genius Films for the ETC Alliance within Wildern National Teaching School. Each one is edited to within 6 minutes. They are a great way to revisit and revise some key aspects of coaching practice.

They offer An Introduction to Coaching which covers personal and professional development coaching and practical coaching i.e. a coaching approach plus videos of the coaching process in action.


Prioritising Trust at Work

A free video series covering a 5 step process to actively build trust in your relationships at work.

The videos explore COACTING in the context of trust and can be used flexibly with teams, individuals and pairs over a few weeks.

Each video has pdf downloads as worksheets for reflection in between the sessions.

Equally valuable if you’re working with high potential teams or for rebuilding trust when some of your people are finding it difficult to work together.


Questions on the Go

Questions on the Go is a great approach for those times when people want you to solve things for them. Simply ask them the questions until they find the next step through their responses. You can also give everyone a card to use for themselves – ahead of coming to ask you!


Emotional Intelligence & Conflict Handling

An article exploring why conflict can feel ‘bad’, and how it can become toxic, along with suggestions for how to manage conflict skillfully so that it feels healthy and creative.
