Simple and lasting ways to become more resilient – whether that’s you as an individual or a whole culture-shift – new habits start here



This series of trackers enable you to develop different facets of resilience in yourself and your people. Each theme has 30 habits. Each habit is easy to put into practice and most take under two minutes to do. You can keep track of how many habits you have completed either by putting a tick in the tracker or noting the number of the habit you’ve completed that day.

Do it your way

30 habits mean you can do one a day for each working day, which will cover a half-term. Or, you can do one seven days a week and that gives you a calendar month.

The trackers are not date specific. The process is not a competition. It’s a simple way for you to keep a personal log.

The habit you choose on which day is entirely up to you, just keep track once you’ve completed each habit.

  • You can start at 1 and do a different habit each day until you reach 30.
  • You can choose a number randomly and go with that one for that day.
  • You can select a habit to suit what’s happening for you that day.
  • You can pick a habit that you know is a challenge for you and repeat that habit each day for thirty days.


All the trackers are Copyleft which means you can download, share and use extensively while respecting and acknowledging the source.

More Resilience Resources

Equal II se

Equal II se is a visual metaphor for respect.

These four pages from the Resilience Daybook give you ways to talk about All Different, All Equal, during anti-bullying week 2017 and beyond, as part of developing resilience and living the school value of respect. Equal II se is fundamental to fairness, compassion and accepting differences.

Download the four page discussion sheets for adults here

Click here to find Equal II se for kids

Click here to find a more advanced version of Equal II se for adults.

When the Tension Goes

When you’re not feeling great about something, or someone, or about yourself, here are some things you can do to feel a bit better.

Click here