You probably spend more time at work than with your family or friends, so feeling good about work is important both to your productivity and to your well-being. Investing in your working relationships can make all the difference. We’ve seen how relationships at work can, and do, evolve by putting COACTING Styles into practice.
Relationships at work differ from all other relationships in life because
- You don’t pick the people you work with
- You’re judged on your performance and your livelihood may depend on this
- You sometimes have to do things you don’t want to do as part of your job
- You have to deal with people in authority
These four factors change how you relate to people at work, particularly when the pressure is on. You don’t usually get taught how to navigate your way through the dynamics of relationships at work, you’re expected to just know how to get along and perform well together. The COACTING Styles resources give you easy ways in to raise awareness of the impact people have on one another, how you can work more effectively together and adapt to the needs of the situations you face together.
Resilient Relationships
Use this A4 sheet with people at work:
- to become more self-aware and more aware of others
- to recognise the best and worst impact people have on each other
- to identify something everyone can do differently to be a little more adaptable.
Prioritising Trust at Work
A free video series covering a 5 step process to actively build trust in your relationships at work.
The videos explore COACTING in the context of trust and can be used flexibly with teams, individuals and pairs over a few weeks.
Each video has pdf downloads as worksheets for reflection in between the sessions.
Equally valuable if you’re working with high potential teams or for rebuilding trust when some of your people are finding it difficult to work together.
Equal II se
This model brings new life to your school value of RESPECT.
You can use it as a table top reminder in team meetings and one to ones. It’s great for displays in the staff room or the classroom and can serve as a valuable personal development checklist to invite feedback or for self reflection. How did I come over in that meeting – Big I, little i or Equal II se?
There is also a more advanced version of the Equal II se model on the Solutions website. Here, you can learn more about the vital importance of respect for successful relationships where you work.
COACTING Styles videos
These five online videos and 17 pdf downloads give you all the materials you need to introduce COACTING Styles to your team. The videos are recordings of the original COACTING Styles presentation with Maureen’s voice-over so all you have to do is press PLAY and PAUSE. Great value for money for an Inset Day and team twilight sessions.
£80 plus VAT
Where COACTING meets coaching…
Go online to discover what you are like to work with plus gain insights into other people’s styles, with this new, self-coaching tool. You’ll be able to download your personalised COACTING Notepad that gives you over 70 self-coaching questions to develop your relational competence at work.
£30 plus VAT
The Buzz Factor
High performing teams have a special energy – a buzz, a sense of being alive to possibility. It isn’t a one off. It doesn’t come and go. It’s a hallmark of achievement.
The responses to these questions, and the actions you take, will progress you towards that achievement.