
FREE workbook to accompany ME + YOU =

My book me + you = has 20 chapters covering different areas of self development with 5 suggestions to help you improve each area. In my guidelines for using the book, I recommend using a notebook to write down whatever comes up for you when reflecting on or applying the suggestions. To help you further with this I’ve created a FREE downloadable notebook to accompany me + you = This goes hand in hand with each chapter and provides a different stimulus to a blank sheet of paper.

It’s not a stand alone book for circulation. It’s intended to be personal to you, for you to make your own.

My suggestions for using it are:
Read the introduction and then just print off the chapters you need (and save trees) or the chapters you are working through
Be as creative as you can in expressing your thoughts, feelings, insights & reflections on paper. Use words, images, doodles, different coloured pens etc. Something different happens when you get things down on paper rather than just keeping things in your head or typing them.

I’ve printed some chapters on coloured paper and put them in a bright ringbinder.

I would love to hear from you about how useful this approach is and how you have used the notebook. Delighted to receive your ideas & suggestions too. Email me via the contact page or leave a comment in this blog so that others can benefit too.

You can order a copy of me + you = on this website or on amazon (See the me + you = page.)
The notebook will make more sense to you once you’ve received your copy, so this would be the best time to get your notebook. Just follow the instructions in pink on the me + you = page to receive your free notebook.
